A good morning always begins in the morning,... buongiorno!
Our passion for Italy
We want to introduce you to our family, the Bongiorno family, La famiglia Bongiorno
Everything started in 2009. We were looking for a name for my company. And nothing was better than my name... a good morning always starts in the morning, not in the evening, and not in the afternoon.
"That's why we always say... buongiorno!"
We have a great passion for Italy. And what better way to express this passion than with a heart in the three colours of Italy in our logo. So simple and pure a reference to our roots, the real Italian tricolore, this made everything complete.

We began our search for "The Pure Italian Taste".
Because I wanted to introduce everyone, but not just anyone, to La Famiglia Bongiorno, The Pure Italian Taste, we began our search.
Vincenzo left for Napoli! Most people would have thought I was crazy. But no, not a Bongiorno. We went looking for the best lemons on the market. And we used them to make a Limoncello that is still a treat for everyone.
During our many skiing holidays in Italy, we drank Fragoline. This is where the idea for a second Bongiorno product was born! Vincenzo went again on a search for the best wild strawberries. "Fragoline di Bongiorno" was born!
But there was still something missing...
the Famiglia Bongiorno was still missing the hard core, the depth of the love for a country and for family. And where did I find it?
Of course Vincenzo went looking. Arriving by plane in Palermo, 20 degrees in the sun... he set foot on the ground and felt he had to find something that honoured Sicily and his father, Giuseppe Bongiorno, who once came from Sicily to Belgium with just a box, trying to find a better life for his family.
Vincenzo searched and tasted but did not find what he was looking for. Until one morning in Taormina ... the most beautiful place on earth ... on a terrace, a beautiful Sicilian woman with curly hair asked if she could give him a glass of orange juice for breakfast.
'Of course, go ahead,' said Vincenzo! But what he didn't expect was to be offered red orange juice. Waaaw! So beautiful and so tasty!

The production of Don Pepé
The lady invited Vincenzo to come and look at the trees in her own garden. Taroccoes, Sanguinelloes! Magnificent!
Within twenty minutes, typically Sicilian, Vincenzo was sitting on the falde of Mount Etna, amidst the plantations of Sanguinello and Tarocco trees. So delicious, this is worthy of Bongiorno! And not much later, the production of the Don Pepé began.
Giuseppe Bongiorno, was a family man, the man who brought everyone together and never missed an opportunity to celebrate. And this was a celebration! So we could think of nothing better than to put "Don Pepé" on the bottle!
With our products, we bring you, Sicily and the Sicilian party. We admit, it wasn't always easy! But for now we say... Salute!